Books & Albums


Package catalogs, pricing menus, and more! Whatever the use, our Booklets are press printed, creased, stapled, and arrive ready for distribution.

Starting at $50

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Ships in 1-2 days

Make a Lasting Impression

Incorporating Booklets into your consultation model gives you an opportunity to show your client that you are prepared, established, and invested in their story. Booklets help you showcase your talent and your preparedness all at once.

Page Options

Page Options


You can choose from two thinner magazine style papers when creating your Booklet. Booklets are sold in page increments of 4.

Page Options


You can choose from two thinner magazine style papers when creating your Booklet. Booklets are sold in page increments of 4.



Choose from Two

Booklets are sold in two sizes: 5.5x8.5" and 8.5x11".


Choose from Two

Booklets are sold in two sizes: 5.5x8.5" and 8.5x11".

Binding Style

Binding Style

Keeping it Simple

Booklets are bound together using a clean and simple staple binding.

Binding Style

Keeping it Simple

Booklets are bound together using a clean and simple staple binding.

Pricing Menu

Pricing Menu

Making an Impact!

Allow Booklets to go over the details for you.

Pricing Menu

Making an Impact!

Allow Booklets to go over the details for you.



Booklets are sold in sets of 10, starting as low as $5.00 per Booklet.

View Design Templates
Sizes Pages
(Sets of 10) 8 12 16 20
5.5×8.5 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $65.00
8.5×11 $65.70 $72.85 $80.00 $92.00

Helpful Information

Useful information to help you through the process of ordering your one of a kind product. Full documentation available under support.

How are Booklets printed?

This product is printed on HP Indigo presses using an inkjet process where inks are combined and laid directly onto the surface of the paper. You get the modern feel of a natural textured paper along with inkjet technology offering bright and vibrant colors.

Is there a bleed?

Yes! This product has a bleed built into the required PSD Guides. When a Booklet is printed, it is printed slightly larger than the final product so that it can be trimmed down during the production process. This bleed is about ⅛" on each side.

Can booklets be Color Corrected?

Color Correction is not available for this product, and all edits must be made to the files on a color corrected monitor before upload.

How do I design my Booklet?

This product requires the use of PSD guides in order to correctly design your files. You can find these PSD guides at the link below or on our Guides page.

[link to more info about using guides]

[link to guides]

How do I order Booklets?

You can order this product in the ProDPI ROES program in the __ catalog.

[link to ROES download]

How do I adjust the quantity in ROES?

Press quantities can be adjusted in ROES by entering the desired number of card packs next to the paper type in the Options Palette before clicking “Add To Order.” The cart screen will reflect your quantity selection in parentheses, as well as your additional price.